Using custom templates

c2cgeoform distinguishes two types of templates: views templates and widget templates. - Views templates are used directly by Pyramid and provide the site structure. - Widgets templates are used by Deform to render the forms.

Default views templates

The default c2cgeoform views templates are located in the templates folder and use jinja2 syntax.

c2cgeoform comes with partial templates that are included in views templates of your project.

Overriding widgets templates globally

Deform widget templates are located in the templates/widgets folder and use the chameleon syntax.

At rendering time, Deform will search folders for the templates in order they appear in Form renderer search_path property. c2cgeoform configure it to:

default_search_paths = (
    resource_filename('c2cgeoform', 'templates/widgets'),
    resource_filename('deform', 'templates'))

But you can add you own widgets folder, in your package file before including c2cgeoform using:

import c2cgeoform
search_paths = (
    (resource_filename(__name__, 'templates/widgets'),) +
c2cgeoform.default_search_paths = search_paths

To overwrite globally the Deform templates or the templates coming from c2cgeoform (like the map widget), you just need to copy the template to your application templates/widgets folder.

Use a custom template for a form or a specific widget in a form

Both the form main template and widget templates can be changed locally for a given model by giving a template property to the Widget.

base_schema = GeoFormSchemaNode(

Note that it is possible to create a layout for the form fields without completely overriding the form template by giving a fields_template to the form schema.

base_schema = GeoFormSchemaNode(

Here is the default one: